Thursday, April 3, 2014

The First Leg

Getting into the groove of not having a schedule, timeline, or commitments is harder than we thought. Leaving Tuesday with high hopes of making Portland from Modesto in one shot, for no reason really- we had no where to be...

Why rush it?

Anyway, coming over Siskiyou Pass around dinner time, with plans to eat with Aunt Laurie and Uncle Art in Ashland, we started discussing the idea of an 11PM arrival in Portland. “We can do it!” we were telling each other- both feeling the drain of a long drive up the 5 in the rain with a cat. Then Annette looked at me from the passenger seat and asked why were we in such a rush to get to Portland. Why hurry through dinner with our friends? Why not stay in Ashland and finish the drive tomorrow?

By far the best idea of the day

We hit the road later than we expected Wednesday (again, learning to flex "the schedule”) and made a quick pitstop in Eugene to say hey to cousin Callie.

Then finally- PORTLAND! 

Our awesome cousins are going to keep and eye on the cat, and I think She is going to love it here

Who wouldn't?

 Hitting the road tomorrow to check out the Columbia River Gorge and do some boating- maybe..


  1. Love it! SO excited to follow you guys around and pretend we're right there with ya :) Happy travels! oxox
